contact lens

[ˈkɔntækt lenz]
  • 释义
  • 接触镜;隐形镜;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The mascara is suitable for contact lens wearers.


  • 2、

    Objective: To evaluate the clinical efficiency of fitting soft contact lens for monocular aphakia children.

    摘要目的: 评价婴幼儿单眼无晶体眼配戴亲水性角膜接触镜的效果.

  • 3、

    Objective : To analyze the aberration properties of contact lens and its central back vertex power measurement.

    摘要:目的: 探讨接触镜的球差特征以及后顶焦距测量的实质.

  • 4、

    The contact lens service is a specialist service for clients who require contact lenses or contactwear.


  • 5、

    Due to its poor quality, the contact lens solution lost its credibility.

    由于质量问题, 这种隐形眼镜护理液倒牌子了.

  • 6、

    Youhua contact lens case set series designed and manufactured with innovation and highest quality.


  • 7、

    Among total people with contact lens in China, about 99 % people mainly wear SCL.

    中国主要以配戴SCL为主, 占总配戴人数的99%.

  • 8、

    All other liquids , including contact lens solution makeup, toothpaste and sun lotion were banned.

    包括隐形眼镜药水、状品 、 膏、晒膏在内的物品都被禁止带上飞机.

  • 9、

    I can't live without contact lens, outdoor activities and traveling.

    我的生活不能没有隐性眼镜, 户外活动和旅游.

  • 10、

    Epikeratophakia gave her a living contact lens.


  • 11、

    You look much more beautiful without the glasses. I recommend you try contact lens glasses.

    您不戴眼镜更漂亮些, 我建议您试试隐形眼镜.

  • 12、

    Do you have soft contact lens care product?


  • 13、

    There were no corneal new vascularization, infiltration and infection during the contact lens wearing period.

    戴镜期间,无角膜新生血管, 角膜浸润,角膜感染等严重合并症出现.

  • 14、

    Everybody stand back! I lost my contact lens!

    大家让开! 我隐形眼镜掉了!

  • 15、

    To provide consumers with contact lens fitting recommendations.


  • 16、

    Only clear contact lens or spectacles of simple design with clear lens are allowed.


  • 17、

    With plastic surgery and products like colored contact lens, hair coloring, acrylic nails, etc, the answer would be: not many.

    答案是: 不多,因为有整形手术和诸如有色隐形眼镜 、 染发剂 、 丙烯酸指甲等产品.

  • 18、

    Contact lens wearing brought these parameters results, except PPMT , lower than that obtained from naked eyes ( p & lt; 0.05 ).

    配戴角膜接触镜后的检测结果除了PPMT各参数均低于裸眼检测结果,有统计学意义 ( p & lt; 0.05 ).

  • 19、

    My contact lens has fallen out, I can't see anything.

    我的隐形眼镜掉了, 现在看不清任何东西.

  • 20、

    Advanced color technology combines three layers of colors into one contact lens.


  • 21、

    And contact lens case once a month, just to reduce your risk of infection.

    还有,每个月都换一副新的眼镜盒, 以减小眼部感染的风险.

  • 22、

    After medical test , it is applicable for users with contact lens in particular.

    经测试, 尤其适合佩戴隐形眼镜人士使用.

  • 23、

    Objective To investigate the keratopathy of wearing contact lens permernantly.


  • 24、

    One eye seems to be swelling up, and getting the contact lens out is a bother.

    一只眼睛似乎肿起来了, 而取出隐形眼镜又是件很麻烦的事情.

  • 25、

    Objective : To evaluate long term effects of contact lens wear on the corneal endothelium.

    目的: 评价长期配戴角膜接触镜对角膜内皮细胞的影响.

  • 26、

    Methods: The optical properties and focusing situation of contact lens were analyzed by the applied optics.

    方法: 应用光学理论分析接触镜光学特性和聚焦情况.

  • 27、

    J & J came to China in 1996, J & J market share rank third in Chinese contact lens market.

    但强生视力保健在中国市场份额仅排名第三, 笔者认为有必要重新分析制定强生视力保健在中国区的发展战略.

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